Computers, can't live with them, can't live without! Because we now rely on computers and computer related, information, products and services in our day-to-day life Directory Library is providing you with the most relevant and important information relating to all things computers.
This busy section of the directory provides you with details of computer software, hardware, security issues, products and servicess available throughout the world as well as website providing you with domain name search facilities and purchases,computer programming and both video and online games and gaming for when you want to chill out or have an urge to attack your computer monitor.
You'll also see links to Internet related websites offering related categories including web design and development, Internet service providers and web consultants for business use.
This area of Directory Library receives a great deal of attention and is here to help you promote your site to the world in this, the next generation in web directories. Go to the category that best meets your needs and then click the Submit button for prices and more details.
IEEE Computer Society - Professional body for IT professionals with details of conferences, jobs and training along with informative IT related publications.
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Server Backup - Get the peace of mind knowing that your entire online and offline data is stored safely and able to be recovered at ease. Enjoy data archiving, Cloud storage and disaster recovery. Get a fast online quote today.
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Eli Journals - An online information and teaching resource covering the areas of Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, Word and Office. Includes featured publications and those important FAQs.
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TCG Network Services - IT service and support specialists based in Boston offering world class customer service while remaining on the cutting edge of technology. Call TCG today for more information on their services or to schedule an appointment to handle all your IT needs.
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The 10 Commandments of Computer Ethics - Apparently a Computer Ethics Institute exists and here they highlight the top 10 of computer ethics. Interesting if only considered amusing.
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