Education and Science
Nelson Mandela once said "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Whether you are looking to change the world or just improve your own or your your children's education Directory Library is here for you.
This education and science section is constantly growing and will continue to grow to ensure that you have the best and up-to-date selection of education and science websites available in any directory; providing you with much-needed information, products and services to help you achieve your goals.
You will also see @ symbols located within Directory Library categories, these are placed here to assist you with finding related categories, an example being the Accounts and Bookkeeping heading, clicking this will take you to education and training relating to those subjects.
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South University - Earn a bachelor's degree at South University in one of the many U.S. locations including Florida, Texas, South Carolina and Michigan as well as study online options. Site provides admission details with online chat options to find out more.
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The Science Dictionary - An encyclopaedia and search engine of science related subjects powered by a specialized Google CSE search engine.
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- - A site designed to provide college study tips to help students manage their time, work more effectively and take better notes.
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American Journal Of Education - An online journal to assist with educational scholarship as well as to help the understanding between scholars and practitioners. A heavy read but worth a look.
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