Alternative » Reflexology
Reflexology is an ancient art that involves the application of pressure to various pressure points on the body that promotes and encourages healing. This is a holistic therapy and is designed to treat the whole person rather than concentrate on specific areas.
Find details here of reflexology services along with information of how the treatment works. If you would like to see your reflexology website listed here and start benefiting from worldwide Internet coverage please click the Submit link and follow the on-site instructions.
Find details here of reflexology services along with information of how the treatment works. If you would like to see your reflexology website listed here and start benefiting from worldwide Internet coverage please click the Submit link and follow the on-site instructions.
International Institute of Reflexology - Offers reflexology training and courses in the UK as well as an online store selling related products. Includes future course dates.
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- - Offers a brief explanation of reflexology along with details of how to get started, research and a range of online success stories and links of interest.
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What Is Reflexology? - offers an explanation of reflexology and how it works along with some of the typical conditions treated and explains a typical session.
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