Kids & Teens » Computers
The websites listed in this busy area of The Directory Library concentrate on all things computer related for kids and teens including chat rooms and forums, games and other cool stuff relating to the computer needs of kids and teens including software and web design.
If you have a computer related site that is specific to children, kids and teens and you would like to see it highlighted to the world along with those all-important social media pages, please click the Submit link for details of our low price listing options that provide lifetime website promotion.
If you have a computer related site that is specific to children, kids and teens and you would like to see it highlighted to the world along with those all-important social media pages, please click the Submit link for details of our low price listing options that provide lifetime website promotion.
FrontPage in the Classroom - Providing a number of tutorials and also offering teachers guides of how to build a website, add graphics and links using FrontPage.
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The Student Room - An Internet room for kids and teens to chill out and also get homework assistance in a busy discussion forum.
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