Reference » Quotations
Most of us find quotations fascinating from time to time whether they be quotes from famous people, politicians or sports, movie or music industry related. Find details of websites providing quotations of interest along with links to related websites listed in this area of the Directory Library.
Amaze you friends by browsing this impressive section on quotes or click the Submit button to share your quotations site and any social media pages with the world.
Amaze you friends by browsing this impressive section on quotes or click the Submit button to share your quotations site and any social media pages with the world.
Best Quotes of the Day - Enjoy fascinating and interesting quotes from famous people from around the world as well as an A to Z of author quotes. Amaze your friends and impress at parties by searching over 52000 quotes online.
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Albert Einstein - A broad selection of quotes from Albert Einstein covering just about every subject throughout his years. Makes for a fascinating read.
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Gravestone Quotes - A site that highlights the epitaphs and quotations on tombstones of famous people throughout the world. Examples include "that's all folks" Mel Blanc.
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Quotations at - Probably the Internet's largest search facility of quotations from the rich and famous throughout the years.
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