Health and Fitness » Healthy Eating
Browse through healthy eating sites and services for the UK including low fat, salt and gluten free food, drink and snacks as well as recipe ideas for healthier cooking and eating for all the family. Sites listed may also offer related information such as losing weight and healthy recipes.
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Enjoy high profile Internet promotion of your healthy eating website or service by having your website, Facebook, Twitter and Google + pages promoted for a single one off listing fee.
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Learn to Cook Pizza - Pizza Express provides information, ideas and recipes for healthy cooking for kids and all the family. Site including gluten and salt free as well as low fat ingredients. Download recipes or check out their UK restaurant locations today.
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British Heart Foundation: Healthy Eating - Offers advice and information about reducing your risk of developing coronary heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.
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NHS Choices: Healthy Eating - Product information, advice and recipe ideas from the NHS to get the UK eating healthy. Includes a discussion forum.
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