Arts and Entertainment » Museums in the USA
This arts and entertainment section of the Directory Library provide you with specific details and locations of museums covering all subjects and located throughout US states.
The list can be endless but we have taken the trouble to list a dedicated A to Z of museums in the U.S. as a highlighted featured listing shown left.
Museums may not be every bodies cup of tea but this is a stigma causes by the sometime more mundane arty type museums but show me a man or boy that would not enjoy a day at a motorcycle, aviation or automobile museum.
Lois Lowry, Messenger once said That's why we have the Museum, Matty, to remind us of how we came, and why: to start fresh, and begin a new place from what we had learned and carried from the old."
Please browse through the listings here to find some of the most visited museums designed to cover the most popular areas of interest for adults and children alike.
The list can be endless but we have taken the trouble to list a dedicated A to Z of museums in the U.S. as a highlighted featured listing shown left.
Museums may not be every bodies cup of tea but this is a stigma causes by the sometime more mundane arty type museums but show me a man or boy that would not enjoy a day at a motorcycle, aviation or automobile museum.
Lois Lowry, Messenger once said That's why we have the Museum, Matty, to remind us of how we came, and why: to start fresh, and begin a new place from what we had learned and carried from the old."
Please browse through the listings here to find some of the most visited museums designed to cover the most popular areas of interest for adults and children alike.
9/11 Memorial & Museum - A permanent New York collection of artefacts, stories, photos, video and other materials that highlight the 9/11 events of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon as well as telling the story of Flight 93. Site also offer educational resources.
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List of Museums in the United States - A comprehensive alphabetical list of museums in all areas of the U.S. from Alabama through to Washington D.C.
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The Metropolitan Museum of Art - Located on Fifth Avenue New York the MET is the largest art museum in the United States and the third most visited art museum in the world. View details of the vast collection, future exhibitions, art for kids and much more. Use this site to plan you visit.
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Children's Museum of Portsmouth - Located in New Hampshire providing details of the museum exhibitions along with information about children's parties and museum room rentals. Includes opening hours.
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Connecticut Trolley Museum - Telling the history of this nostalgic form of transport by displaying over 70 pieces of past rail equipment that date back to 1869. Site helps you plan your visits, offer event details and visitors guides.
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Jasmine Moran Children's Museum - Located in Seminole, Oklahoma and offering fun and excitement from the past and present for children of all ages as well as a nostalgic trip into the past for adults. Offers exhibition details, opening hours and help planning your visit.
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Museum of the Fur Trade - Preserving the history of the fur trade in the US with details of the museum collections along with publications and opening times. Located in Chadron, NE.
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Museums USA - Probably the largest information resource of museums located throughout the USA with an alphabetical list of museums listed by state and also a museum type.
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National Corvette Museum - Bowling Green, Kentucky museum celebrating the Corvette automobile. View online tours with details of exhibitions and events along with opening times and directions.
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Niagara Aerospace Museum - Artefacts packed museum celebrating the aviation history in western New York. The collection is vast and includes the first U.S. commercially licensed helicopter, a Curtiss JN-4 (Jenny)and much more. Located in Niagara Falls, NY.
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San Francisco Museum and Historical Society - A museum dedicated to the history of San Francisco and offering historical tours including Fisherman's Wharf and the famous Golden Gate Bridge.
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The Fire Museum - The home of the Connecticut Firemen's Historical Society highlighting past fire fighting apparatus, memorabilia, photographs and stories. Offers details of opening times, future events and exhibitions and exhibts.
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