Australia » Arts and Entertainment
Check out a number of arts and entertainment related websites covering Australia including music, libraries, dance and theatre as well as Australian details of artists and galleries.
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Please browse through this section to find your area of arts or entertainment or if you have your own website and would like to receive greater coverage throughout Australia and beyond of your website and those all-important social media pages please click the Submit button to take advantage of the popularity of The Directory Library.
Aboriginal Australian Art - Providing a brief explanation of aboriginal art in Australia with details of art work for sale along with artist profiles and educational resources.
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Australian Dancing - Information provided by the National Library of Australia highlighting the dance culture in Australia along with archives, its history and tuition.
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Collections Australia Network - Official website providing details of Australian art centres and museums with search by location facilities, collection details and exhibition dates.
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Don't Move - A popular Australian puppet theatre providing details of their shows and workshops with images and contacts.
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