Australia » Education
Please browse through the sites listed here that offer details of a number of education opportunities and resources throughout Australia including universities and colleges, available courses and how to find out more about education in Australia.
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If you would like to see your Australian education or tuition related website listed in this busy area of the Directory Library and begin enjoying the benefits of the directory's popularity please click the Submit button and we will highlight your website and those all-important Facebook and Twitter pages to the world.
Tafe Western - Providing higher education and study opportunities online and throughout New South Wales. Find a course via their website along with details of college locations, career planning, qualifications, how to enroll and much more.
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Cambridge International College - A highly respected English language college with bases in Adelaide, Perth and Melbourne and also sister colleges in Canada.
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Real Coach - A professional real estate training provider offering education and training throughout New South Wales. Site provides a course calendar with contacts and support details.
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Study in Australia - A busy and informative website that offers a full range of Australian study opportunities along with details of living in Australia and where to study. Includes informative downloads.
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University of Melbourne - The official university site providing details of their study opportunities along with information about students life and how to apply to join.
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