Home and Garden » Garden Accessories
Find details of garden accessories available to buy either in-store or by the convenience of online shopping listed in this busy area of the Directory Library. Products listed here typically include garden tables and chairs, ornaments and accessories such as patio heaters, sunshades and much more to help you, your family and friends enjoy those quiet summer evenings as well as the occasional crazy garden party.
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If you have a garden accessories sales shop and would like to receive greater Internet coverage and promotion of your website and those all-important social media pages, please click the Submit link for more details.
Christianne Planters and Statuary - Site provides information about offered products including fiberglass planters, statuaries, fountains, columns and pedestals, and benches.
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Design Toscano - Offers historical European reproductions for the home and garden including statues, wall sculpture, home decor, fairies, dragons, gargoyles. Includes retail store locator.
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Hooks and Lattice - Hooks and Lattice is a manufacturer and supplier of quality window boxes, flower boxes, exterior shutters, hanging baskets, planters and faux balconies. Check out the site for many examples all with images, prices and a catalog request form. Ships throughout the U.S. Canada and undertakes international orders.
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MasterGardening.com - Features a line of gardening supplies, garden tools, and garden decor to homeowners including composters, seed starting equipment, greenhouses, fertilizers, and plants.
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